10.1.3: Monitor back in the stone age



I installed 10.1.3 on my G4 (350 sawtooth, with AGP2x). On this machine I have a GF2MX400 card (that I got cheap at a PC-store). It worked great up to 10.1.2 (and in OS9.2.1), but no more. I can now only run 640, 800 and 1024 resolutions at 75hz. Wasting valuable space on my 19" (I do design work and such).

Is this a move from apple to block out "pc-gf2" cards? or, cards not bought at/via apple? (I mean, this is exactly the same card, except for creator name).

Why was there no warnings that an update could do such? Is it possible to de-install an update (I'd hate to reinstall OSX, takes forever and a lot of setup has to be done over again).

Very displeased with this update, and while there might not be many with the same problem (probably because of my GF2 type card), Apple just lost a customer (and long time user) if I'm not able to clear this up soon.