10.1.3 now avalable via software update

Ralph J.

enjoys cheese
Update 10.1.3 delivers enhancements that improve the reliability of Mac OS X applications, important security features and includes new and updated support for a variety of Digital Hub peripheral devices. Specific updates include:

CD Disc Recording Peripherals:

- Expanded support for QPS, EZQuest, LaCie, Yamaha, MCE Technologies and Sony devices

Image Capture and iPhoto:

- Improved support for several digital camera models from Canon, Kodak and Sony

Graphics and OpenGL Improvements:

- DVD Playback on external VGA displays on PowerBook G4

- PowerBook video mirroring will be on by default when connecting to a new display

- Improvements for iTunes when the full screen visualizer is used

Networking and Security Improvements:

- Login authentication support for LDAP and Active Directory services

- OpenSSH version 3.0.2p1

- WebDAV support for Digest authentication

- Mail includes support for SSL encryption
aren't those the nice days? :)

and then, when it's installed and everything is fine, we can go back to work. no? no. there's mac os x 10.2 rumours. when will it be there? march 24th, on its birthday? or macworld july? hmm... (installing 10.1.3 right now.)
hmm... download doesn't work here. it finishes but doesn't install and then wants to redownload. if i had a modem connection i'd be VERY angry by now (after three downloads or 17 megs). rebooting, trying again (the first three times i only logged out and in again as root after my normal user failed).

Guess what?? I feel scrolling is much smooth on my iBook 600/640MB!!!!!!! That's what I feel after using IE to browse web pages!!!
hey! now it went alright... :)

scrolling faster? did you smoke anything? or have you cleansed your mouse?

well, i'll know when my TiBook has rebooted. ... let's see...

the small hanging rainbow cursor is still there... booting looks the same and takes the same time... my files are gone!!! no, j/k... my desktop looks the same... checking build number: 5Q45.

okay. now scrolling a large page in ie. hmm... wow. i guess you're right! strange, eh? is it the yamaha cd-burner support? the new drivers for digicams? or does this go under 'several improvements'?
yea yea, i'll say, it might be because they have improved quartz, that's why they have mentioned iTune viz improvement.
Oh!!!! Yea... resizing is faster either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i luv u apple as well as i love my bf!! :p

I must be the only one who has not downloaded it :) I am still in 10.1 instead of 10.1.2 or 10.1.3 like I could be. I will just wait untill 10.2 is released and make a major upgrade. Part of this is because I only have a 56K modem and it would take me days to get an update (it took me over a week to get the dev tools)

Have a great day!

This sucks. In 10.1.3 I can't set my resolution any higher than 1024 X 768 without getting weird white lines on the sides of my monitor. I seems these lines cut off some of the sides of the screen too. This happened in earlier versions of 10.1 when I would restart my computer, but when I switched from the white lined 1152 X 870 back to 10 X 7 then back to 1152, it would be fixed and would fit the screen perfectly at 1152 X 870. With 10.1.3, however, this is not the case and switching the resolutions does not fix this at all. So, I am forced into 10 X 7. This is hard for me because I am really used to 1152 and as you'd imagine, everything seems huge. By the way, I have a Viewsonic A70 monitor. Any ideas? Thanks --Ryan
well... i just found that after install Mac OS X 10.1.3, it changed my colour to Thousands... that's why all the things was faster!!!! oh... no... now... using Millions again and feel just like the same...

Dadgum it, my Lacie 16x10x40 U&I (using USB) STILL won't work. Come on Apple, what gives?
Originally posted by ddma
well... i just found that after install Mac OS X 10.1.3, it changed my colour to Thousands... that's why all the things was faster!!!! oh... no... now... using Millions again and feel just like the same...


I was wondering about that. I thought I had just imagined the switch to thousands, and that I must have done it myself @ some point in the recent past but forgot. Still, even at millions, it feels faster, although there's still a ways to go yet. Good to see improvement either way...
Well, 10.1.3 is *exactly* what I would expect from a third sub-point update -- it's solid, it's benign, and it shows some improvements. I'm eager to retest my Kodak camera. I *seem* to notice an upgrade in window resizing (my cruel benchmark is to rapidly resize my IE windows with lots of stuff on the screen). I say, good show. I'm pinning some real speed-improvement hopes on 10.2, though I have to say, 10.1.3 ought not be criticized. I mean, have you used XWindows/KDE or CDE lately? :)