10.1.4 and OmniWeb


I tried OmniWeb six months ago and was not impressed. I've used IE on OSX for 97% of my web browsing.

Having seen how 10.1.4 is more stable, and being tired of the spinning color wheel in IE, I decided to try OmniWeb again, now that 4.1beta version 382 is out.

I'm using it now and I don't think I'll go back. I'm not going to over state how good it is; web browsers seem to render more slowly in OSX than they do in Windows and Linux( thats because of Aqua: a mixed bag with pros and cons ).

However, Omniweb is visually beautiful, quicker than IE in OSX, and properly multithreaded.

Additionally, its doing on-the-fly spell checking as I type this message!

It works very well with streaming quicktime ( In my experience Real audio/video doesn't play well with firewalls ).

Has anyone had any problems with 10.1.4 and Omniweb 4.1beta? Can anyone tell me what it can't do that IE 5.x can do on OSX?
You may also want to check out Mozilla, it's about to hit version 1.0. This is my personal browser of choice, open source, standards compliant, free. Also, Chimmera is showing a lot of progress. It is by far the fastes OS X browser, and it's beautiful on OS X, written in native Cocoa, and based off of the Gecko engine that powers mozilla/netscape. It'll give OmniWeb a run for it's money once it hits 1.0.

I've tried OmniWeb, it seems nice and all, but I am too used to tabbed browsing and I can't see paying for a web browser that has less than I can get for free.
Welcome to the real world. Cocoa apps are quicker. If you should ever feel unhappy with OmniWeb, you may want to try iCab or Mozilla. I see no reason what so ever to why you would want IE. I don't use it any more, don't know why you should have to...
Originally posted by voice-
Cocoa apps are quicker

Once again, this is a myth. There is no proof that Cocoa is quicker than Carbon or vise versa.

The only differences between Carbon and Cocoa is that Cocoa has more access to native OS X widgets, however this will start to change in 10.2.
There are still some java scripted pages that won't work right with OW. This number is steadily declining as OW improves.
Originally posted by dricci

Once again, this is a myth. There is no proof that Cocoa is quicker than Carbon or vise versa.

The only differences between Carbon and Cocoa is that Cocoa has more access to native OS X widgets, however this will start to change in 10.2.

Actually, you are kind of mistaken on this point.

Cocoa apps and Carbon apps, when implemented CORRECTLY, generally run at the same speed. However, Carbon was designed to be a set APIs that would allow developers to quickly change some lines of code in Classic applications to allow them to run natively in OS X.

As a result, many developers have chosen to do this "quick port" option, and end up with slow programs, not to mention an interface that is not nearly as beautiful/efficient as Cocoa applications.

There ARE Carbon applications that are made very well. Photoshop and Microsoft Office X are two examples. There are many examples of poor Carbon software: iSwipe, PlayerPro, ICQ, Melody Assistant, etc, etc.

So as a general rule, Carbon apps are slower, but not because of the APIs – it's because of the developers who don't feel the need to actually reprogram their applications in the PROPER way to allow them to run natively in OS X.
Much as I hate IE, it's the only complete browser.

Why? It renders 100% or 99.999999% of pages correctly.

All other browsers are in the 90% range, then I have to open IE and see the page correctly.

And what's most? On hotmail, there is a checkbox to select all messages in your inbox. IE is the only damn browser that does it!!!! All other browsers do weird stuff like only select the first message when you click that box. I'm not even considering Netscape 6.2.2, it's so slow, I won't even use it.

So until other browsers can "select all messages" in hotmail with the check-all box, they are not even usable in my opinion.

However my favorite browser in Chimera. That thing rules and smokes. It's insanely great.

Once another browser does everything right, including hotmail, i can't WAIT to delete IE. Hopefully it will be Chimera and / or OmniWeb.
So until other browsers can "select all messages" in hotmail with the check-all box, they are not even usable in my opinion.
Uh, not to be contrary, but I think you're dreaming. Hotmail is MS. IE is MS. And we all know IE uses proprietary HTML. So I believe that there will never be a browser that works properly with Hotmail.

I do agree with the number of pages that open in IE -- but I think that's because there are too many people out there that make pages with MS products that use (surprise!) proprietary IE tags and code. Of course, I really don't feel like getting into that whole thing again -- already covered in the thread "It all opens in the wrong browser".

However the other thing to note is that if you make statements like "[IE is] the only complete browser", better have your flame-retardant underwear handy... :D
Incidentally, waiting_for_OSX said:
Additionally, its doing on-the-fly spell checking as I type this message!
One thing to note is that Cocoa apps all have built in spell checking, if I understand correctly. So this isn't as much a part of OmniWeb as it is of the OS.
I read the javascript in hotmail that does the check-all box

In fact I ripped off a piece of it to make my own check all box for some other stupid web project.

I don't see why other browsers can't do it right.

And, I think Netscape will do it right, since Netscape created Javascript anyway!! But I don't use netscape.

And pages that render correctly in IE and not in other browsers don't ALWAYS use IE specific tags.

Some really complex nested tables sometimes only work in IE.

But I truly believe that this IE dominance thing won't last another year.