10.2.5 Upgrade CD


OS X Supreme Being
Looks like Apple is making available a CD with 10.2.5 for $19.95... However, it appears the update will still need to be applied to a 10.2 installation, and not actually be able to install 10.2.5 as a clean install...

Guess this probably also means 10.2.5 is due any day now...

Mac OS X 10.2.5 Update CD
Heh. They must have been alerted to their screw-up. I went to the page earlier.
Now it says that your session has timed out.
I guess that only means that the URL copied back then belongs to a user whose session has expired. :)
I was checking the price on something, and the first thing on the Apple Software page was the 10.2.5 update CD. I see there is a lot of improvements.
Originally posted by Urbansory
I was checking the price on something, and the first thing on the Apple Software page was the 10.2.5 update CD. I see there is a lot of improvements.

Is this going to be available as a free download? I can't see the point in paying for something that isn't really necessary, and is going to be eclipsed by 10.3 in a few months.

Any rumors on the cost of 10.3?
pishnaris said: "any rumours on the cost of 10.3?"

yep: all over the board.