there seems to be a bit of a problem. after attempting to install 10.2.6 yesterday on my new 1 ghz iMac it said there was an error and that it could not be installed. okay whatever my internet connection must've died or something. however, after this occurence, it almost seems like my hard drive ceased to function, not letting me save files or open programs. strange. so i reboot. loads up. mouse won't move. recognizes usual keyboard strokes, but not the volume/eject keys. stranger. so i reboot again. strangest thign is that after this second reboot everythigns back to normal. so i wait until today to try again. after successfully downloading the update (not via software update) and installing it, i don't seem to have any problems. that is, utnil about 2 hours ago. it started acting funny, quitting word right as i open it, givign me the same file i/o error in final cut express. and then it just dies. a reboot brings back the dead mouse (by the way, the mouse is still lit up and it wil still bring the computer out of sleep, but it just wont recognize it - however when booting from the boot up CD the mouse does work). speakign of the bootup CD, i thoguht to do a fresh install hoping it would fix things, but it won't let me mount my hard disk in disk repair booted from the CD. it lets me repair it, but not mount it. any simliar experiences, or is my computer just dead?