10.2.6 or 10.2.8


Yes, I'm still using 10.2 instead of Panther.

I can't decide whether to stick with 10.2.6 or to upgrade all the way to 10.2.8.

According to various sources from the Net, there are security problems on both versions.

So the question is: which one should I update to?

Any suggestions?

Please advice.

Thanks guys!

Best Regards,
George Lien
Never change a running system.
If 10.2.6 is running just fine at yours and you are not having any problems, keep 10.2.6.
I upgraded to 10.2.8 without any problems, but for me there was no improvement in any case...
See if the upgrade will help you with what you do. I upgraded because of improvements in bluetooth for syncing with my mobile phone and pda. If not and you're happy with 10.2.6, stick with it until you decide to jump into Panther.
I had an issue with my iBook 700 under X 2.6, the thing would make a popping noise when on battery. 2.8 fixed that.

I get to wait for a few more weeks before the distributor here gets Panther, so I can check on the issues. According to reports, I may drop the 130 clams on Panther when it does.
So far, in more than 60 Macs of all kinds G3/G4 10.2.8 is FULL green light with no probs! Thank God! And no... Not Jobs or Gates! ;)
the first time apple released 10.2.8 it messed up my internet, so i reinstalled jag. But the rereleased 10.2.8 seems ok, no difference on my machine.
Yes, that's why they pulled it in the first place.

George, what system are you running? You may see a benefit from upgrading depending on what you use.