10.2 modem issues w/ TiBook


Having installed 10.2 GM on my quicksilver and iMac with no problems and the systems running great, I procceeded to install it on my TiBook. The installation went fine, everything works great, EXCEPT I have a problem with the modem. When I try to dial in, I get a error message from internet connect stating "unable to open communication device". By examining the console it says the error is caused by "/dev/cu.modem is busy". I can't even start the dialing proccess. It just can't find the modem (or initaliize it). I checked the phonelines to see if there was a problem, but no. I tried callng the computer (after setting it to beep when recieving calls), but nothing happened. I've definatly got the right modem script selected, apple internal modem 56K V.90. The settings are identicle to my quicksilver tower, which can dial in fine (same install CD). I Reset the PRAM, deleted the preference folder, reinstalled 10.2 twice (clean install), and called apple once (they had no clue)

I do see some strange proccess running in the background like AppleModemOnHold. If I try to quit, they only restart again when I try to connect (and fail once more).

Im all out of ideas. Please help.
Obviously, this is an issue/bug with Jaguar itself and not your hardware. I would get with Apple about this (on the phone) and see what they can do. You may just be stuck without a modem until they figure out how to resolve the issue and issue the fix.
I did call apple, but they couldn't help. They said I needed to do a clean install, which I did. No effect. Dialing under OS9 works, so it's not a hardware issue. Perhaps my copy is corrupted in some fashon, but it works great on the other two computers it was installed on.
just wanting to confirm if GM is 6c115 or not

also have you looked for other modems in the list... apple internal modem might be different from the modem they put in the tibooks... might be a specific tibook modem you have to select? :confused:
Yes, it's 6C115.

Can someone confirm what modem script a TiBook should be using. I don't see any titanium specific script. I just left it to what it selected, apple internal modem 56K v.90.

I tried using the OS9 version of the script, but same error. I tried selecting some of the other options, including the other apple options and a comple of others (3com, universal robotics, etc.), No luck.
That's the right script you were using. I haven't got a phone line to confirm this with my TiBook, I can only say that it works with an IrDA GSM phone. I guess there's something wrong with how Jaguar talks to the internal modem... I'd watch Macfixit.com and others... Maybe somebody finds out... But Jaguar is still a bit new...