10.3 Aqua hint?


Yeah, Androo.

hmmmm... is that a hint towards what the new aqua look will be like? Cuz that's what they did with quicktime 6 beta near the time of 10.2....
Or maybe the new itunes 4 look will be the new aqua look... but i hope they just leave aqua alone, it's fine the way it is...
yup...looks like thats the direction that Apple's heading with 10.3. Just look at the iTunes4 buttons(the pause/play, backward, and forward buttons)...same general shine to them.:p
take a look at iLife - iDVD, iMovie, iPhoto - all these apps have had this button treatment since their release.

It is a nice change from the roundness of Aqua, though...
Apple has updated the Aqua look with Jaguar and will probably do the same with Panther.

It is amazing if you ever switch back to 10.1 how much different Aqua looks. The changes are subtle when moving to them but striking when going back.
It would be neat if u could use this new look, and jaguar aqua, as 2 official themes that come with 10.3... like there would be a theme changer program, Apple Itheme or something, you could use brushed as well... interesting....
I have to say they are going to use that look i just dl/ed itunes 4 and the same look is in it. I have and ibook so i don't like the look with it. but i am getting 15 inch g4 and it is going to look awsome!
I didn't like it at first, but it is growing on me. I think I quite like it now.
There are a few things though. Take a look at my attachment to see what I mean.


  • itunes.gif
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I hope that's the new look. I love it. It's very clean and reminds me of why I bought Apple in the first place, killer designs!
Apple should release different versions of its graphics to see what people like best, because then of course we could tailor Aqua to everyone's personal tastes.

I think this new look has slightly too harsh of a contrast. If it were slightly more gradiaded (as in had more gradient... c'mon, work with me here), I think it would work excellently.