10.4.10 Will Not Boot



Just installed 10.4.10 on my MacBook Pro and iMac. The iMac updated fine, but the Macbook pro will no longer boot.

After waiting at least 20 minutes with the grey loading screen, I seem to get a "bios" like screen that says "leonards-laptop:/ I have no name!#".

I am currently on hold with AppleCare-lets see if we can get this resolved. Does anyone have any ideas?
I wonder... "MacBook Dual 1.42"? What is that... a PowerBook? Then it wouldn't be dual. Or is the number wrong? Btw.: The update to 10.4.10 hasn't seen many problems so far. I'd go with the combo updater. Shouldn't be a problem, FlashMac.

leonard: I've _never_ encountered such a problem. Certainly seems like something's terribly wrong at the moment. I, too, wonder how this goes with AppleCare...
Thanks Fryke - I will install it eventually, its just at the moment I only take the MacBook out of the safe and its bubble-wrap on special occasions, you know, to sing to it and stuff. :rolleyes: