

I got this from LiveQuartz Read Me First file. Do they know something we don't?

10.4.11 has been in development since 10.4.10 was released. It's going to be the final update (apart from security updates) to Tiger. According to some people, 10.4.11 was basically ready to be released on the evening _before_ 10.5's release. Something must have gone wrong, but I'd expect it early next week.

Btw.: Mac stuff does *not* go into Bob's Place. We've got a News & Rumours forum for this.
Oops, my apologies. Somebody please move this to the appropriate forum.

It was already moved at the time I commented. ;) Only a redirect was in the old place so you'd still find the thread.
Thanks for the links Natobasso. My original post should of been "Do they know something I don't?":eek:
Thanks Fryke.