10.4.8 update no desktop...


Well, after jumping a few hoops... I have an imac with slot drive cd , and after putting the 10.4.8 update I am dead in the water.

The machine boots, you can login, and when the thing desktop should come up... the background appears, and the magnifying glass up in the upper right hand corner shows... with no menu bar... nothing else at all but the mouse indicator, which is a nice normal arrow when everywhere but over top of the mag glass.

I actually let it sit like that hoping it would reawaken... it didn't... when I say sit I mean better than 10 hours. I have reset pram... booted in safe mode (and still had the same issue)... practiced some voodoo... nada.

Anyone have a clue?

Do I need to give up and reinstall?

If I were you I'd give up and reinstall. Do the install option that keeps your usernames and files though.
thank you for the bad news, I had assumed as much but was holding out hope... now I have to schedule a trip back up there... :rolleyes:
