15" PowerBook G4/500 or 12" PowerBook G4/867


I have an old 15-inch PowerBook G4/500. Someone offers me a 12-inch PowerBook G4/867 in return of my PowerBook and plus, minus $600 USD cash.

Should I do it? Should I make the trade?

Please give me your opinion.

Thank you!

George Lien
I'd do it, for 600 bucks you could probably get an old VGA (I think that's what kind of monitor plug the thing has) monitor and have dual displays. The 12" is plenty powerful and if you don't need a gazillion mb of ram you should be fine with the max of 640 on the 12". I would definetly make the trade. But what are the stats on the 15" and 12" - memory, HD, applecare... That would make a difference also.
If you need the extra screen size, stick with the 15". If you can get by without it, definitely go for the 12".

Just out of curiosity, why is this person suggesting this trade (if you don't mind telling)?
I don't think you should do it. Gently decline that person's offer and send them my e-mail so I can make the exchange. :D