1st 'Obsession' pic - war1


It's the first in a small series I'm going to be working on, which may (or may not) end up turning into an all out new card series. It depends on how well I do on the rest of the pictures. Anyway, here's phase 2 (out of 10) of the first pic:


The pic is entitled "War Beginnings" and is basically going to be a starter for the whole series. After the war beginnings is finished will come the war resolutions, war heros, and finally: war path. I can't wait to get the rest of the series going, and I hope to bring together a storyline for it as well.

Questions and comments are all welcome. :)
I like the color you gave the sky a lot.
The overall idea of the picture is nothing new, but it's a very good picture to me.

What is it based on ? A drawing by yours ?
Yea, basically.
Usually when I get bored in my Graphic Design class at school I whip out my sketch book and sketch something directly out of my mind, then I give it a twist.

This war picture was my first sketch to photoshop work ever, and I'm quite proud really. I've updated it (on my comp, not on the net) and I really like it. I've already begun work on a second picture, only this time instead of "war" for the series it's going to be "lost". :)
Then a good idea would be to post your new pictures here or on your site (you have one ?), 'cause your work is worth showing to the wooooorld !

I'm seriously surprised by this War picture. Much quality, really. Please post more !