1st of april! Let's take a closer look...


I just read an article about a new freeware that can update all firmwares of cd-burners and make it possible to burn dvds as well. Unfortunately it's a german site, so it doesn't make sense to show you guys the link. But I was asking myself, whether there showed up some better jokes.
Now, let's collect some spoofs in this thread. Am really curious...
I thought that this one was very clever. It actually fooled me, and got me thinking, "WTF? How is enforcement of something like this supposed to work???"

On about my third time through it, I noticed the date at the top of the RFC, and had a pretty good laugh about it... :)

Credit where credit's due: I first saw it on http://www.slashdot.org - just be aware that today, probably none of the news will be legit...
Check out macosxhints.com. That is sort of a replay of what Resexellence did a few years ago.
Originally posted by dlloyd
kenny, your link doesn't work with Safari :(

Yeah, it looks like the site cratered... I've mirrored it on .mac and changed the link above. Hopefully, I won't share the same fate as the original site... :)
It worked fine with IE though...
I got some strange error from Safari that told me to submit a bug report, I thought that might be the joke! :)