2 Files Downloading From Adobe For Photoshop Elements 2


Everytime I try to start Adobe Photoshop Elements 2 on my Mac I am told is is downlading two files. It then grinds away with no result. The cancel button is worthless as well. I saw this question posted in September 2005 however, the answer didn't help as I can not ever get the program to open. (http://www.macosx.com/forums/showthread.php?t=245397)

I've been to Adobe's web site, they suggest uninstalling the progarm and reinstalling it, removeing the preferences and restarting the program. None of this works however.

I am a novice to the Mac and work in the Windows IT field, so I'm comfortable with techincal directions, however, I do have to be pointed to where these items are on a mac.

All I want to do is edit my phonts in something other than iphoto. Can you help?
I'm very surprized that this has yet to be answered!

To get going with PSE2, first use the command-. (apple-period) buttons to cancel the download. If that doesn't work, just go about doing other work, eventually the download will fail and stop.

To stop future downloads: from the Photoshop Elements menu, highlight Preferences and select Adobe Online...
Under Update Options Check for updates: change the setting to Never
Click OK
