2 little teasers - driving me mad :( please help :'(


hi there,
I've got 2 problems that I've been struggling with for a while now - just can't seem to get anywhere... :( :( :(

I've got a G4 (older model, 9GB HD, 640 RAM, 400mHz) and recently got a new iMac (17 inch, 80GB HD, 512 RAM, 800mHz). I've managed to link them successfully and have no problems transferring files.

I'm trying to use the printer (USB, Epson Stylus 760) as a shared printer. It's plugged into the G4 and I have File and Printer Sharing enabled on both machines. The iMac does recognize the printer somehow, the dialog boxes come up in Print Center - but when I print - it just says 'error while printing'. The worrying thing is as well that the printer doesn't even make a noise...
Anyone have any ideas or thoughts on this...??? I would really appreciate any help on this... ;)

A bit tricky this one... I'm using ZIP disks for most of my work and would like to use the old G4 as a ZIP drive... The problem now is that I would like to be able to eject the ZIP disk via the iMAC, ie without having to go to the G4 and eject from there... I'd like to be able to access it from the iMAC, once finished with it, not only disconnect from it but also eject out of the drive... - Does anyone know whether it is possible at all to do this...? And if so...how???

Thanks for listening - hope for some light at the end of the tunnel... ;)
Supposedly, there is a way you can send Applescript commands to another Mac via network. You may be able to use that to eject your Zip cartridges. Not having 2 Macs handy to experiment with, I can't try it myself.
Thanks for getting back to me :) :)

I've got OSX on both machines and I'm hardly ever using Classic anymore. But with it all being so different from OS9 - I'm running into more little problems that I could easily solve myself before. I'm ok on the technical side but not exactly an expert.... :(

And when it comes to things like AppleScripts I wouldn't even know where to start... :(

So any suggestions would be great ;)
Thanks, Prisca
this might be totally unrelated... but, my epson doesnt work when more than one computer is hooked up to it at a time, i dont know why, or what... but its the way it is :eek:
well, I don't know.... :(
All I do know that te way I want to link them it is definetly possible... I've asked the technician where I work and he's done it before and it should work - with Printer Sharing enabled... he doesn't know why it comes up with that error - that's why I asked you guys.. ;)
The set up is that I've got the Epson plugged into the G4 (via USB) - the G4 linked to the iMac via Ethernet - and the Print Center does see it... only when I try to print does it give me the error message...
The thing is I am hoping to use the G4 as 'server' for my iMac and a PC - hoping we could both use the Eson like this...
I'll keep trying... if I get anywhere I'll let you know.... in the meantime... any thought on this would be very helpful!!
Thanks, Prisca
A) Try plugging the printer into the iMac and see if it works better. See if you can print from the G4 in that case, because if it works better then you may be able to print from a PC through the G4. This sounds like quite a bit of daisy chaining, however, and you may want to look into getting an Ethernet hub and connecting everything through that (including your 'Net connection).

B) Look around online, including sites like http://www.apple.com/applescript/developers/, to figure out a way to work this Zip dilemma. You should be able to put a script on your G4 that will eject your drive, and put an alias to it on your iMac. It may be something like:
tell application "Finder"
  eject disk "XYZ"
end tell
Play around and see what works.