2 Logins but only 1 prints in Classic!

Paul Forbes

My friends Anna and Edward have one of those new G4?s with the mirrored doors and exhaust ports (!) running 10.2.4. and Classic (because they use QuarkXpress). I set up a little network of the G4 and a Powerbook so that they can both print to their old Apple LaserWriter 12/640 PS, which works fine using Ethernet with an 8 port hub. In addition to this the G4 has access to the Internet via the hub to a Blueyonder broadband modem - IP?s for Internet addresses are assigned using DHCP. Anna and Edward have their own login?s and they can both print from Mac OS X but only Anna can print from Classic! On Edward?s login, when he runs Classic he can?t see the printer in the Chooser at all. Both versions of Classic are the same (there?s only one Mac OS 9 system on their G4) ? there?s no difference at all. What?s going on here?
- Paul
Which computer is connected to the printer? I have a feeling it is Anna's. The print sharing ability was an OS X feature and unfortunately OS 9 did not have this capability. So if Ed's computer was trying to print and the printer was not connected, he would not be able to use it since this feature was not possible in OS 9. By Classic do you mean the program that loads OS 9 for running OS 9 applications in OS X or do you mean restarting the computer using the OS 9 system folder?
Ooo, I didn't make myself clear! None of the computers is connected to the printer! The printer is on the network in one of the port of the mini hub! The two Macs are in two of the other ports.
- Paul