2 quick sleep related questions


1. Is there a keyboard shortcut to put the system to sleep? I really loved hitting the power button then "s" on my powerbook. But reaching the power button on a desktop (since its no longer on the keyboard) is more effort than just selecting the sleep option from the finder menu. If not, can I assign a keyboard shortcut to an applescript or something?

2. The real reason for question 1 is that my Dual 867 doesn't go to sleep after the 15 minutes I set it to in the Energy Saver control panel. Did I miss something? That fan just runs all the time and its loud! Any thoughts?

Thanks for you help!
do you have microsoft entourage?

One thing I was told was that when Entourage's databse Daemon is running, then the hard drive won't go to sleep except if you do it manually. Maybe that's not it. Just a thought!
I do not. I dead read that there was an issue with mounted volumes, but I have unmounted them and still no sleepy... :(
My PowerBook G4 had a case of "insomnia" yesterday... poor thing could not sleep on it's own. So I zapped the PRAM a few times, reset my engery settings, and it sleeps like a baby.

1) Restart
2) Immediately start holding down these keys: Cmd-option-P-R
you should hear the Mac startup sound AGAIN
(keep holding it down if you're paranoid and want to zap the PRAM multiple times)
3) let go of the keys. Let is start up normally
4) Go to the energy saver panel, set your energy settings to something different, then back again to what you really want

Hope this helps
to answer your first question:

ctrl+eject will bring up the restart/sleep/shutdown dialogue...

from that you can hit "s"

have fun!
Thanks for the shortcut for sleep mode...

BUT, I tried zapping the PRAM, reconfirmed that no apps are running. Display sleeps fine but the CPU doe NOT. That fan is so loud in a quiet room! Arrrgh!

Guess I will resort to calling apple tomorrow.

Thanks again.