20gb iPod gripe...


I am the law!
ok, so now your thinking "what could this fool possibly have to complain about, he has a 20gb iPod"

well, apple did a killer job designing the iPod. they look amazing...until you touch it for the first time. then it just looks like a big grease smear.

The mirrored metallic back is impossible to keep clean. I almost wish they had used the same white plastic that they used on the front.

other than that, i'm totally impressed with my new toy. I had it on from 7:30am to 5:30 pm yesterday, playing music the whole time and I still had battery left.
I just crashed my iPod. I hope this doesnt happen too often...
I was playing a song, i clicked the middle button, fastwarded to the middle of the song using the scroll wheel and then clicked the middel button twice. it rebooted.

which makes me wonder... is it possible to get it to crash and lock up? because if so, there is no way to force reboot it that I know of...

these things run a stripped down version of OSX, right? what kind of processor is in it?
Stripped down version of OSX? Where'd you hear that? No. It runs it's own system based on the companies' products you see listed in the legal section.

It does crash, and you can force restart by holding down the MENU and PLAY buttons.

I've found it can get goofy when playing a song encoded in a variable bit-rate. Not sure why.

As for the fingerprints...yea...that is a problem. I've found the Groove Jacket to be the best case for it. It's translucent white silicon, so it looks really great on the iPod, as it allows it to show through.
i read that thing about osx a long time ago when the iPod first came out. thanks for the tip about the force restart.

is it possible that the clock gets reset whenever it crashes? I've had to set the clock in it like 3 times since i got it, and i'm not really sure why. my only theory is that when it crashes the clock resets [its done it a few times since i got it, but i've probably put 30 hours on it already] .
Originally posted by Fahrvergnuugen

I was playing a song, i clicked the middle button, fastwarded to the middle of the song using the scroll wheel

Wow. I didn't know i could do that. I've only had my 10gig for months. :eek:

Something new everyday.

Ohh and i can't help with the clock issue. Apple is keeping the 1.2 update away from me. Damn them.

Yeah, when are they going to release this 1.2 update for the iPod? It's getting kind of old waiting for this update. Does anybody know a reason for the delay?

btw, the one time my iPod has crashed, it was sitting out in the sun a long time. Poor thing. Gotta keep it away from heat.

btw, that feature where you click the middle button and then use the scroll wheel to fast-forward, of rewind?... That's called audio scrubbing. You can read all about it in the iPod help, located in the iTunes help.