2GB mini-iPods?


Senior Lurker
Another one at macrumors:

Story here

Apple has supposedly been demoing 2GB "mini-iPods".

If they're priced right, those would be extremely cool Christmas gifts for a couple of people I know (not including myself. My present to myself this year will be a 20GB =))

It's seemed like it's been really slow on the news/rumors front in here ever since Panther was released and the site was redone, so I'm trying to help give a kick in the pants. Even a lot of the regular rumor-spreaders seem to have disappeared...
if they would do such thing - tell me WHY on earth would they want to release it in JANUARY?

how many ipods are bought for xmas prensets? if htere was such a mini pod, a lot more ipods ould be bought... :)

.. so what would really be the point of releasing it in january?
Giaguara said:
.. so what would really be the point of releasing it in january?

Because the iPod they release in December would explode in consumer's pockets, melt on contact with sunlight, or for other reason not be ready?

Seriously, the only good reason I can think of is because of circumstances beyond their control...
Giaguara said:
.. so what would really be the point of releasing it in january?
Everyone would receive sucky Rio's and Dell mp3 players and realize they're so clunky and have gay interfaces then they see the beautiful, cheap, easy-to-use 2G iPods and boom instant returns and everyone buys the iPods :)
Unless the mini-Pods are released at the same time as the promotion with Pepsi. Doesn't make any sense to undercut Christmas sales of the real thing when Apple could make a nice showing with non-Mac users with the Super Bowl launch (think of what "1984" did for it).
They aren't going to release 2GB iPods. For one, reading about it http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2003/12/20031215121009.shtml
It will be too much. Also, the R&D would be too high to create a new form factor case and program the interface to match the new arrangement. I would imagine a 5Gb iPod as a 'low-end' option way before they come out with a whole new line. I think they would change the entire line, before they make another option. Apple likes keeping things simple, and adding a new style player would make things very complicated for them. Go with what works.
However, I could be wrong :-)
Besides, a 'cheaper' variety of player would cut into the nice margins they are making off of the current iPod.