3-10 Second hesitation


I'm a new user, but old hand with compuers. Switched to Apple for a bunch of reasons. One ting that's happening is that I'm getting airly frequent hesitations, usual 3-10 Second hesitations. I'll be typing inan email, and the letters won't appear. wait a it, sometimes the beachball appears, and then the letters.

I had Symantec anti-virus on and got rid of it, but that wasn't it. I've got a new 2.0 intel duo, and this hesitationis drivig me nuts.

Start up Activity Monitor and have a look at the running processes. Look for one that is sucking a lot of CPU or memory, you may have one running which has a memory leak or some other flaw.

It's happened to me.
There's also a great app called "Menu Meters" that's free. (You can find it on VersionTracker.com) Menu Meters will put system monitors in your toolbar for memeory, hard drive activity, process utilization, etc...