3 day old pwrbk G4 - video death??


Just got it. Took a month of bargooning (mainly with the wife). Got it on Friday - worked great over the weekend. Had it networking at home with my PC no problem, on the airport at work no problem - great machine.

Took it to work today, used it about 10 minutes, then put it to sleep, stored it in a locked drawer in a cool dry room.

Few hours later, when I opened it - it had a 'washed out purple' colour all over the screen, horziontal purple bands etc. Restarted, same thing. Booted into classic - same thing.

Obviously a hardware issue, probably the video card (Radeon 9000). Can't be a driver issue, as it does it immediately on startup, befor any drivers have loaded.

So - my question is this - what can I expect from Apple tech support? Will they ship a new video card, or will I have to kiss this machine goodbye? Will it take 2+ months? Am I on the hook for shipping costs to fix their DOA machine? (Got a new ibook through work a year and a half ago, and it did the exact same video washout - straight out of the box. Then it took 5 weeks to get it replaced!! :-((

- nervous
It really probably takes a few days. I had logic card problems (stripes .. sound a bit like yours) and mine was shipped after 3 months of use to Holland - that fix took like 10 days (they took it friday so about a week in practise), and i suppose yours will take a lot less time. Call to Apple tech service ASAP. if you can, take pictures with a digicam of how your monitor looks exactly, and upload some of those somewhere, that could be helpful for them. Fixing it will really likely take a week or less and you will hav a preference as your mac is so new.
Good luck, and tell us how it's going.
If you're in US, call 1-800-APL CARE. (i don't remember the other countries apple care numbers)
Thanks - just got off the phone with APL CARE - looks like it is the logic board ribbon cable. However, they won't dispatch to where I live! I live in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, and they won't provide service here. I have to haul it to Alberta or Vancouver at my expense to get 'help'. Something not quite right with this scenario.
That's sad. I wasn't quite sure where Yukon was... How far is Alberta or Vancouver then from where you live? I hope shipping the 'book there isn't superpricy at least. When mine messed up i was in Italy and my book was shipped to Holland for repair(!!!) and as i told it took 10 days to come back (from friday to monday after 2 weekends), so at least it was fast. Underline how new your book is, so you should get a superfast service.