that was the cheapest 50th post i've ever seen. why when i was posting my 50th post you couldn't post right after yourself. and you had to wait ten minutes for the page to refresh. and all the type was so small you could hardly read it. and my keyboard was sticky with coffee and .....
really Lonny, you should be more fearless and post more. drop in and hang around. feel free to drop by the congrats to Ak thread and make a guest appearance on "The AdmiralAk and Ed Show"
you look like you are losing your skin color as well!! I suggest waking up while it is still daylight and spending a brief time outdoors. be careful. at first this may be very painful and you may burn easily
uh, downloaded the second song this time. i will listen to it eventually and give you my review.
Do not worry about the lame posts. That is what this server is here for. Like my post right here. Pointless crap. If you realy want to see lame posts... just watch HERVE !!! all 9xx of his posts are weird.