well, somebody finally did it. started their own post count thread.
as the person who started the first congrats thread, half as a joke, i can't tell you how dissappointed i have become over all this concern over who has how many posts. The first one was really an attempt at personal communication with others. It was all just a coincidence that Admiral had 1000 posts. i wasn't even the first one to notice it. alexandert made a joke about it in another thread.
but Admiral is a very social person and that thread became a semi-private communication between the two of us and a few others who joined us in talking about anything other than computers. We still use those threads to do that. It is fun. But look at Nummi and LTM, they started threads to talk without all the hoopla. They don't need an excuse. they just do it. (let's not go into how they got a little carried away with it at one point).
at any rate, if this your attempt to create a place where you can have friends and enjoy some good conversation with others, then let me say congrats wdw. You are a fine member of this site 90% or more of the time and i think that is all we can ask of anyone, myself included. May you nurture this thread with your kindness to others and may your personal generosity be returned to you.
however, if you just started this to get attention and are going to ignore it after all the applause dies down, shame on you.
I am hoping it is the former and that this thread becomes another nice place to stop by every now and then and join in some conversation about something other than processing speed