7100/120 - NO CD or FLOPPY recognised


Hi, I have a 7100/120 which isn't recognising the CD drive or the floppy. When I launch CD player, I get CD drive cannot be found.

I need to reinstall the system, which I only have on CD. - what do you think is the problem? nothing is switched off in the extensions.

It has a SCSI port - what could my options be?

One thing I would suggest would be to open the case, and make sure you don't just have a loose cable somewhere between CD drive and motherboard.

There are ways to install software over the network, (of course you'd need another Mac, connected to the 7200 by ethernet...) but they are relatively complicated - it would be significantly easier if all you had to do was jiggle a cable or two...
First, restart the computer and as you select restart, hold down the option and the apple keys. Keep holding them until you get a dialog box asking if you wish to do a desktop rebuild. This will come up after the extensions load at the bottom of the screen. Release the keys and click on the okay button.

Now insert the CD. Does the cd icon show up on your desktop?

Do you remember installing anything lately or going through your system folder? Try restarting the computer with Mac OS only. To do this, go to the Apple Menu>Control Panels>Extension Manager.

Now try a CD.

If you still have problems, open the case (with the computer shut down) and check out the ribbon cables that connect the CD drive and the floppy drive.