a Backup and AntiVirus strategy


I have recently recovered from a 10+ years of Microsoft OS addiction. Now I need a little help figuring out how to administer my OS X system.

Any recomendations on how to maintain backups and a virus-free system?

I have been looking at Norton SystemWorks (including Dantz Retrospect backup...). I know Symantecs AntiVirus very well from using it with my NT5/XP systems. Backups I have never taken seriously before... :confused: but right now is the time to learn?

Any better alternatives? Are Viruses as big a problem with OS X as in XP?

regards, Henning
well, right now there are no viruses for OS X, so there's no need for antivirus... for backup, you can check this page on Version Tracker...
Tetano said:
well, right now there are no viruses for OS X, so there's no need for antivirus...

Thanx,.. but - I didn´t see any smiley´s in your post? There aren´t any viruses... seriously? Is it general practice amongst OS X´ers to ignore the virus threat? Sorry for asking this question - not trying to be unpolite or anything.

regards, Henning
There are no viruses per se that affect OSX, but you can still catch an MS
Office "macro virus" (They're platform independent), and you can still pass
on infected files to your wintel friends (Sort of like Typhoid Mary). Norton
Antivirus 9 intercepts/kills both kinds. For backup, I use Retrospect (since I
have three computers and six volumes to do at once), and external Firewire
HD's that I swap out to keep father/son/current versions.
Norton's or Virex for viruses, but DO NOT use Nortons Utilities on your drives. It has caused a lot of people major problems with OS X, and Symantec has dropped suppport on the Mac platform for this product. There are a few very good utilities;

Disk Utility which is in your Utilities folder
TectTool Pro