A couple of Jaguar questions... !


Gone !
1) It seems that Chimera 0.5 has a little problem of display with Jaguar: as I am typing this line, it's frequently disappearing/reappearing, well, in brief, it's displaying badly (see the snapshot). Is it a common phenomenon ? Has anyone seen this too ?

2) Is there a way to hide the ugly toolbar in the new TextEdit ? It's useless, I'd like to get rid of it.

3) How can I get my screenshots (when I hit Command-Shift-3 or Command-Shift-4) to be saved in, say, JPEG ? PDF is nice, but it's not a fine Web image format.

4) TinkerTool does not work any more ! Is there a new version ? Any other cool "extension" like TinkerTool you could recommend me ?

There I am, a newbie to Jaguar… quite cool :)
1) I don't use chimera, sorry.

2) Open textedit preferences and uncheck "show ruler" in editing window. Close the document and open new one.

3) Use Grab in Application/Utilities folder.

4) I don't use TinkerTool, sorry.

1) -
2) Okay, thanx
3) Not very practical, hm ?
4) -

And there's the attachment I forgot with the first post


  • chimera-problem-snapshot.jpg
    11.5 KB · Views: 52
1) I use IE and there's the same problem sometimes. I have to resize the window to view all the content.
1) I've noticed this in Chimera as well.

2) I agree that it's ugly, but the ruler's very useful for setting tab stops. You can set left-, right-, centre-, or decimal- aligned tab stops. You can also quickly change the text's justification
If you want to quickly show or hide it, press Command-R or choose Format -> Text -> Show Ruler.

3) You could change it in 10.1 (the default was TIFF), but due to changes in way screenshots are implemented, this isn't possible. In Jaguar, Core Graphics is used to take screen shots. CG (at the moment) only handles PDF files.

4) Download the new version at http://www.bresink.de/osx/TinkerTool2.html
1) Chimera problem: okay, nothing to do.

2) TextEdit ruler: The ruler is useful, yep, but when I need special formatting I run into AppleWorks. I liked the simplicity of TextEdit. I like to have simple RTF/TEXT files to import into Quark. Thanx a lot for the shortcut !

3) PDF screenshots: I'll have to use Grab or to propose PDF images... bad bad bad :(

4) TinkerTool: I've installed v2.31, but still, may functions (Terminal transparency, for instance), are missing. I wrote to bresinx to ask for info. The most interestong feature was screenshot format, so if it's gone…

A last question:

5) Is Silk still useful in Jaguar ?
4) Terminal transparency is not there anymore ...simple...cause it is inside the rpeferences of the terminal itself. :))) new feature of X.2 Jaguar

5) Don`t think so
Yes the ketstrokes produce PDFs of the screenshots, but converting them is quick and easy with Preview.app. Double-click the screenshot icon...it opens in Preview. Go to File>Export and pick your favorite format.

Screenshot pre-jaguar were TIFs and I think changing them to PDFs was a good move be apple.
About Silk:

I checked... still useful in Carracho, for example. So it'll stay on my system, I think, unless someone else tell me it's obsolete.

About the screenshots:

Yes, PDF is fine. But the screenshots I take are for the Web, for mailing them, attaching them, etc. I don't want my PC friends to open Acrobat to read these pictures, and I'd like browsers to open them ! So that's what I call a good move, but please Apple finish your good move and add a Finder preference: screenshot file format (JPEG/GIF/TIFF/EPS/PDF) :)

And there we are.
At least Apple make a file and saves it from a screenshot winblows forces you to figure out what application you need to open to paste it into.

If you want the browser to open them then export the screenshots as something else (JPG/GIF/PNG/TIF...) with Preview...it's not hard...
I agree it's not hard, holmBrew, but understand it's a silly thing to do ten times per day as I have to. Plus, it wouldn't be very difficult for Apple to support other formats.

I'll be losing vast amounts of times with this new PDF screenshot... too bad for me I guess / unless someone brilliant programs a small utility that converts PDF to any picture format you indicated to the program before. That would be a fast solution.
Yep. But Snapz Pro would be fine, then. I'd like a haxie that automatically makes my Command/Shift/3 or 4 snapz a TIFF file, for example. But I guess I'm too demanding. Thx for the link, anyway !