a few questions about dual 867 mhz MDD system.


A bit of background on myself, I am pretty new to macs, been around them about a year. I started with a G3 iBook i picked up off of ebay, and this year decided to upgrade a bit more and bought this dual proc machine.

After running it for a few weeks i have a few questions.

1) Approximately how fast would the 867 mhz machine run in comparison to ghz? I ask because I would like to play some games, I know i can't run Doom 3, but maybe UT2004?

2) On my iBook in the energy saving section i have a spot where i can change the way my processors act, i.e. Highest or Best Battery Life. On the power mac I see no setting. Am I missing something?

Thank you for any help you can provide.

1. Depends on the app. Anywhere from 867MHz to about twice that. Most apps will not take advantage of multiple processors, though. When dealing with these apps, the only advantage you'll see is in multitasking — app 1 will use one processor while app 2 will use the other, or something like that. So as for games, it would be a case-by-case thing. I'd look to see if the companies say anything about MP systems, and maybe Google around for other users' experiences. MP systems have been common in the Mac world for long enough that I imagine they would list them in system requirements.

2. No, the option just isn't available on desktop G4 systems, only laptops and G5 systems. I guess the G4 chip used in desktops just doesn't have a low-power mode.