Eyebrow Moderator
maybe im being anal, but i want this design to look the same for the most part in all browsers....
i am working on a site, here is my test page thus far http://bythetree.org/test4.html
depending on what browser you have you will see something different as far as alignment goes in the header... these are screen grabs as to what you might see....
IE6 Windows 2000
Camino 7.0
Safari v64
basically i need the headers to be butted up against the top of the table (minus padding) like the IE's have it....
also in safari, on the bottom, i get this....
every other browser doesnt give me that... any clues?
once again the page is at http://bythetree.org/test4.html
and here is the code
Thanks for any help
i am working on a site, here is my test page thus far http://bythetree.org/test4.html
depending on what browser you have you will see something different as far as alignment goes in the header... these are screen grabs as to what you might see....
IE6 Windows 2000
Camino 7.0
Safari v64
basically i need the headers to be butted up against the top of the table (minus padding) like the IE's have it....
also in safari, on the bottom, i get this....
every other browser doesnt give me that... any clues?
once again the page is at http://bythetree.org/test4.html
and here is the code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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@import "all.css";
#main {
overflow: visible;
margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;
#main #menu {
margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;
#body {
#bottom {
overflow: hidden;
#bottom #bcurve {
vertical-align: bottom;
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<h1>Heading Testing (Heading 1)</h1>
<p> In 1993 Marc Andreessen launched Mosaic, the first browser
to navigate the Web. In this vintage cyberspace, gray pages and
low-resolution graphics were rife.</p>
I remember downloading it and running it on x-windows when it
was running, said Pindar Wong, from Packet Clearing House.</p>
<p>" So now it's really great to see parents and grandchildren
and everyone using the Internet sort of through browser interfaces.
It is a milestone. But I think the game is changing."</p>
<p>It is changing because these days, the Internet is a
much bigger beast. The "critical infrastructure" that
hosts governments, businesses and universities is far-reaching,
but far from flawless.</p>
<p>With jerky video and hourglass
icons, it's little wonder some call it the world wide
wait. But one group is out
to change
<h2>-Note Author (Heading 2)</h2>
<h1>Another Heading</h1>
<p>Enter "Internet 2" -- a U.S.-led effort to build cyberspace
all over again, this time better</p>
Well the current Internet is not designed for the next generation
of applications," said Ted Hanss, Director of Internet
<p>" It's really focused on tens of millions of dial-up users.
Not the applications that would really change how we do teaching,
learning and education."</p>
<p>The Internet 2 backbone in the
United States moves billions of bits of data per second,
300,000 times faster than the
connection we have at home, said Hanss.</p>
<p>Moving with such
speed, Internet 2 will be able to provide remote diagnosis
for doctors, send detailed medical files
in a flash,
stage high-resolution videoconferences and download virtual
reality applications.</p>
<p>Champions of the project say Internet
2 shows what the net will do three to five years from now.</p>
<h2>-Heading Author Duex</h2>
<div id="bottom">
<div class="bottom" id="bcurve"><img src="images/curve2.gif" width="100" height="100" /></div><h3> </h3>
<h3>test test</h3>
Thanks for any help