A long 'hang' with cold boot.


This has happened to me once a while

When I do a cold boot in X or restart from 9 to X there is an extremely long hang with the machine. The mouse is off, the tablet light is off. Nothing but the grey screen with the happy Mac. And then two minutes later things start to 'move'....the tablet and mouse start to on and then the hard drives start to spin and boot.

Anyone has this problem???
I only have this problem if I have to forcefully restart OS X, usually when IE has a spasm and everything goes to a halt, or running classic. Those are the only times I have to reboot OS X. I think when you forcefully reboot, it's a unix thing where it has to check the file system, so there's a delay.

However, your problem sounds different since it's a regular reboot... Not sure what the problem could be, maybe something wrong with your boot record? Is your firmware up to date? Try booting from an OS 9 cd and running Disk First Aid on your HD, that's always a good idea cause it'll check for any boot problems or file problems.