a new download site...



I am a new Mac OS X User [I bought an ibook 700Mhz Combo about a month ago].

The main reason that i bought my ibook was for web development.

I want to start a new download site - on my domain www.allyaya.com - I will pay for all expenses, etc...

Hopefully if i get 15/20 people working on it, then it will become a great resource for all MAc Users.

Anybody who is interested please post here, or send an email to info@allyaya.com

Thank You & Kind Regards,
Asif Alibhai
AllYaYa Admin
Please tell me how you will finance this site...if you plan to pay yourself and don't own an oil-well then I doubt it'll stay online for more than a month

Do you think the bandwidth will be enough?

We have 5 Gigs Allocated for the site? DOnt forget files will be on different servers...

Kind Regards,
Asif Alibhai
I think your idea is nice. I was actually going to sign up for the free eMail/webspace, but can't find the link.

I would love to help. Reply, Private Message, or eMail me if you need it.

-Ryan (rhale1@mac.com) <-For now, at least

[EDIT: I found the link on another post.]
What do you mean by "download site"?
If you are going to start something like versiontracker.com or macupdate.com I advice you to make something slightly different... Because it needs a hell of lot of work and money to outcompete the other big download-sites, that's for sure. But anyways, good luck!