A sense of humor


Well, somebody at Apple has a sense of humor. The version of the System.framework version for OS X.2 given by System Profiler is 3.1415926535897932846 i.e. the value of pi.
The value of pi is 4. What are you complaining about? =)

I guess that's the closest thing we get to an Easter Egg.

BTW mine says 4 too, in the actual version.plist file for System.framework. Maybe Buckey's pulling our leg.

6D51 Mac OS X 10.2.1 says '4', too. Maybe you have a faulty processor that can't count to 4? ;)
The Pi value (3.1415... ) for system framework was on Mac OS X 6C115 before the first security update.

I remember that I sent an email to thinksecret.com in which I asked for this easter egg ... they answered that it could be ...