A simple organiser/mobile text entry tool

Ceroc Addict

I find it amazing that given the vast array of PDAs and organisers, I still can't find a simple one that meets my needs for text entry (or maybe one does exist and I just don't know it, hence this thread).

Minimum requirements (in descending order of importance):

  • Great thumb keyboard (e.g. Sharp ZQ-180). Easy to enter text quickly for hours. Don't have to mess around too much with a Symbol key for extra symbols and numbers.
  • Transfers text files directly to the Mac (and back again). It should show up as an external drive when plugged in (USB port or BT). No stuffing around with syncing/converting programs.
  • Thin and light weight
  • No limit on file size in the device (only limited by memory)
  • Cut, copy and paste operations (both within files and between files)
  • Backlit screen
  • Very long battery life (months, on watch batteries)
  • Sync Address book (and ideally iCal) information
  • Alarms (ideally using iCal alarms as well)
  • Extremely thin and lightweight (makes the iPod mini seem like a brick)
  • Sufficient memory to store a book's worth of text (megabytes)
  • Trivial to get to files and contacts. Menus only one or two levels deep (i.e. iPod-like main menu of Notes, Contacts, Schedule, Settings)
  • Search function (to jump to a specific point in a longish file, by line number and/or actual text search)
  • Screen 80+ characters across
  • Cheap (ideally, less than $100)
  • Displays time and date
  • No flip top cover (these just tend to get in the way when typing quickly)
  • Bold, italic

The Sharp ZQ-180 fulfills a decent subset of these requirements, except:

  • It's difficult to get text files off the device (and onto my Mac).
  • It has a built in (tiny) character limit.
  • No syncing with Address Book or iCal

Anyone know of a decent contender?

Apple's Made4Mac is the best place to start looking.

There are several palmOne models that you should check out.

I am not sure if any of these meet your requirements, but it is worth checking out.
I think I've finally managed to find a gadget that could meet most of the requirements that I listed on this thread previously: the Nokia 6820 phone.

Anyone have this phone (or the earlier 6800 model)?

I especially wanted to know:
  • Is the keyboard as nice to use as it looks?
  • Does it save/sync text files with OSX?
  • Do contacts sync with OSX?
  • Any significant problems?

Ceroc Addict said:
I find it amazing that given the vast array of PDAs and organisers, I still can't find a simple one that meets my needs for text entry (or maybe one does exist and I just don't know it, hence this thread).

Minimum requirements (in descending order of importance):
  • Great thumb keyboard (e.g. Sharp ZQ-180). Easy to enter text quickly for hours. Don't have to mess around too much with a Symbol key for extra symbols and numbers.
  • Transfers text files directly to the Mac (and back again). It should show up as an external drive when plugged in (USB port or BT). No stuffing around with syncing/converting programs.
  • Thin and light weight
  • No limit on file size in the device (only limited by memory)
  • Cut, copy and paste operations (both within files and between files)
  • Backlit screen
  • Very long battery life (months, on watch batteries)
  • Sync Address book (and ideally iCal) information
  • Alarms (ideally using iCal alarms as well)
  • Extremely thin and lightweight (makes the iPod mini seem like a brick)
  • Sufficient memory to store a book's worth of text (megabytes)
  • Trivial to get to files and contacts. Menus only one or two levels deep (i.e. iPod-like main menu of Notes, Contacts, Schedule, Settings)
  • Search function (to jump to a specific point in a longish file, by line number and/or actual text search)
  • Screen 80+ characters across
  • Cheap (ideally, less than $100)
  • Displays time and date
  • No flip top cover (these just tend to get in the way when typing quickly)
  • Bold, italic
The Sharp ZQ-180 fulfills a decent subset of these requirements, except:
  • It's difficult to get text files off the device (and onto my Mac).
  • It has a built in (tiny) character limit.
  • No syncing with Address Book or iCal
Anyone know of a decent contender?

The best setup I've used is a Palm with a foldable, full size keyboard. The keyboard itself folds away into its own little wallet about the same size as the Palm PDA itself, and features a cradle with an InfraRed transmitter at the top so that any model of Palm can be sat on it. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/t...21/002-7790412-4774465?v=glance&s=electronics

As for syncing with Address Book and iCal, you're better off with a Palm, as using a WindowsCE palmtop will mean you need to splash out on extra software (The Missing Sync).
symphonix said:
The best setup I've used is a Palm with a foldable, full size keyboard. The keyboard itself folds away into its own little wallet about the same size as the Palm PDA itself, and features a cradle with an InfraRed transmitter at the top so that any model of Palm can be sat on it. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0000E0ZY9/qid=1105140825/sr=1-21/ref=sr_1_21/002-7790412-4774465?v=glance&s=electronics

As for syncing with Address Book and iCal, you're better off with a Palm, as using a WindowsCE palmtop will mean you need to splash out on extra software (The Missing Sync).
I really want a thumbboard, rather than a keyboard i.e. So I can enter text while I'm standing up and walking around.

Didn't realise the Nokia used Windows though... That's a big minus in my book.

Ceroc Addict said:
I really want a thumbboard, rather than a keyboard i.e. So I can enter text while I'm standing up and walking around.

Didn't realise the Nokia used Windows though... That's a big minus in my book.

Found a second achilies heel in the Nokia 6800 - only comes with 3.5Mb of storage (not expandible!).

Now that is a hideous joke. Can anyone explain to me why phone companies INSIST on creating phones with video capturing/playing capabilities, but without any storage to actually use it?!

3.5MB is barely enough for my basic text storage needs (what, with the space that the built in apps will already be taking).

Perhaps it's because the concept has barely caught on, and they havent had the chance to get many complaints about diminutive storage? Or the fact that it's a PHONE?
Arden said:
Perhaps it's because the concept has barely caught on,
Barely caught on? Phone makers have been trying to pedal video players/recorders in their phones (minus sufficient storage) for years now.

Arden said:
and they havent had the chance to get many complaints about diminutive storage?
I think it's more likely that hardly anyone uses their video recording facility, because they can't.

Arden said:
Or the fact that it's a PHONE?
I agree with this. Either don't put the video camera in the phone, or include enough storage to use the thing.

In any case, my point about this particular phone is more about the lack storage than the video recording - in this day and age 3.5 MB is ridiculous (esp. with no card slot).
