A sorta Funny thing.


Senior Switcher Tech Guru
It's been a full two months since I made the switch... and my best friend who is a PC lover and Tech dude... Has suddenly started to use Windows blinds... The mac Os-X edition thing... that converts his XP to Mac OS-X... (thing...)

I find that funny that he has to make his machine look like a Mac... even though it's a idiotic PC... lmao...

Thought it was funny...
in a few months, he'll be ready to switch. show him the differences in the GUI that make his 'version of aqua' fade away... the small stuff that makes aqua that good, really.
i just don't know why anybody would do such thing, do you Neyo? :p

be careful Sir, next thing you know he'll be joining here and starting to ask questions about the real os x. :D
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
i just don't know why anybody would do such thing, do you Neyo? :p

be careful Sir, next thing you know he'll be joining here and starting to ask questions about the real os x. :D

I hope he does... I mean... he comes to me and says... "Look, I turned my PC into a Mac..." So I am looking at it... and I say to him... "It's not quite the real thing... for instance... this... this... and this... are fake..." he tells me to shut up... lol... rants about how Windows is better and I laugh at him... lol.
Don't laugh at him. Take him seriously. Ask him (carefully) about (small) problems he's having with the PC. And don't blurt out "Doesn't happen on a Mac!", rather just nod, say you understand that this sucks sometimes and then tell a small story about something that _doesn't_ suck on the Mac. Humbly. That's the way to convert them.

I often fall into the trap of bragging myself when talking to PC users that are whining. ("My PC did THAT again..." - "Yes, I know it was like that in the computer world before UNIX came around. You know, even the Mac is UNIX now. Basically, Windows is the only OS left in the 20th century technology, if you dare call it technology at all.")

Just give them the feeling that you have less problems and struggles since you switched to the Mac. They'll believe you, if you also admit that there ARE issues:

"Yes, the Mac _is_ currently stuck at about one GHz. And it's a drag. However, I've found out that all the GHz talk I've been into myself only left me with _less_ money at the end of the day, because it urged me to _always_ keep up to date with my CPU and graphics board, instead of actually _achieving_ things with my computer."
Originally posted by fryke
Don't laugh at him. Take him seriously. Ask him (carefully) about (small) problems he's having with the PC. And don't blurt out "Doesn't happen on a Mac!", rather just nod, say you understand that this sucks sometimes and then tell a small story about something that _doesn't_ suck on the Mac. Humbly. That's the way to convert them.

I often fall into the trap of bragging myself when talking to PC users that are whining. ("My PC did THAT again..." - "Yes, I know it was like that in the computer world before UNIX came around. You know, even the Mac is UNIX now. Basically, Windows is the only OS left in the 20th century technology, if you dare call it technology at all.")

Just give them the feeling that you have less problems and struggles since you switched to the Mac. They'll believe you, if you also admit that there ARE issues:

"Yes, the Mac _is_ currently stuck at about one GHz. And it's a drag. However, I've found out that all the GHz talk I've been into myself only left me with _less_ money at the end of the day, because it urged me to _always_ keep up to date with my CPU and graphics board, instead of actually _achieving_ things with my computer."

Not to sound like a brown nose... but I totally agree. He does see there are many differences... and someday he will get a mac... If only for his wife to stop bugging him to fix this and that on the PC... :)
HAHHAHA! LOL Ed! Yes, i commited Such a Sin, over a year ago, pretty much when XP was released, i worked on heaps of hacks and such ( was one of a group of Pioneers @ the time, too!), and did a good job, didn't I, Ed?! It was pretty fun to do, taunt me a few things about XP, and also got more hooked on OS X too. If he is anything like me, he'll have a mac soon enough! :D

...But yeah, it was fun to come here, show off pics of Xp running Mail.app, iChat, "About This Mac", Finder Toolbar, Finder Windows, The Dock, Login Screens! It was Convincing, but still crap! lol

NeYo ... "grown up now, eh Ed?! :p"