A story I wrote.


Yeah, it's bad. Just bored, thought I would write. What do you think? I like it, but then again I wrote it, so I am guessing it you will think it's poor.

Anyhow, this is not a true story, it is based on Omaha beach D Day though.


The Jump into the Lion's mouth

"The beaches will lay littered with the fallen souls, the seas will carry them home."

I couldn’t stand up. No matter what I held onto, I was too nervous to support any feelings in my legs. Every few minutes I would start to fall to my knees, holding onto the side of the landing craft like it was saving me from oblivion. But the oblivion wasn’t below me, it was ahead of me, forever getting closer, I could do nothing about it. Every single second I gasped for air, as if I was going to die. I could die any moment. As could the men around me, packed together.

For once, safety in numbers didn’t feel so safe. I had never been claustrophobic in my life, but now I would do anything to get out of this moving target. I could jump over the side, my equipment would hold me down. I would die. At times I thought that could be better than the suspense. No one talked, we all stood, waiting for something to happen. Not even the spontaneous rumble of the near by artillery shells exploding could distract anyone from their seldom thoughts. I watched as the shells landed randomly upon the beach, not hitting anything. I’d be thankful though, I’d rather have it hitting nothing than hitting us.

“60 seconds!” I heard from behind me.

“Clear the ramp, remove the columns!” followed, as the helmet at the front of the craft prepared to open the ramp. That’s all I could see. Helmets. That’s what we were, helmets, soldiers, statistics. I checked my name badge, “Lt Cornell”, just a name, a name to be placed on a letter when I died. That letter would have been sent to mom, but she’s not around to receive the news. I kept trying to find my confidence again, but it had already left the landing craft. As the landing craft droned in its short journey to the beach, the beat of my heart soon drowned out all noises around me. I focused on the tall grey structures towering over the beach.

I never heard anyone say “Go”, I just followed. The ramp opened swiftly, and men clambered out of the craft, right into the firing line. Men fell, but no one did anything except cover their own hide, it was all they could do in a moment of instinct. I followed the helmet in front, safety in numbers started to kick in. The moment he stepped on the beach he was thrown back into me as the shell exploded right in front of him. Small pieces of shrapnel scattered across the men clambering out, as I was pushed back. I landed back on the landing craft, men still trying to get out, stepping over me. They thought I was dead.

I wasn’t. I wasn’t even injured, I think. I couldn’t tell. I saw blood around me, but I couldn’t feel any pain. At this moment I couldn’t feel anything. In absent mind, I managed to get up, and checked to see if the soldier was okay. He was no where to be seen. I looked around, totally oblivious to what was going on, men were dying, I just wanted to find this soldier. Then I found him, lying there, to the right of where I had fallen. I found another part of him floating in the sea, and blood scattered everywhere. I was about to stand up, but the shock immobilized me. Someone grabbed my shoulders and pulled me away from the craft.

“What the fuck are you doing?! You stay in the craft and you’re a prime target!” shouted the soldier as he dragged me to a near by crater. I could hear bullets zipping past, I kept thinking “The next one’s gonna get me”.

“I’m not hurt.” I said to the soldier, as we lay in the crater.
“You looked like it from back there! What happened- lost your teeth?”

Before I could reply, the soldier picked up his gun from his side and ran up the beach. I had nothing better to do than follow him, but I had no gun. I looked around; there were plenty of guns to choose from. Some I just had to pick up, others I had to remove from cold, dead hands.

For some reason, I felt like a criminal as I picked up the Garand from a dead soldiers hand. He looked surprised, like he didn’t know what had hit him. I think we all felt like that. I blessed him, and then took cover from the MG42s.

I didn’t know what I had to do, the soldier had long gone. I spoke to soldiers, always cautious of how close death could be, but nonetheless I scurried across the beach, trying to find out what our mission was.
I kept checking myself for wounds, I never felt any, but I felt so numb I had to check.

I was surprised when the lone soldier told me our objective was to ‘get off the beach’. I really wasn’t expecting to have to get past the looming German bunkers.

Something distracted me. There was this smell that nauseated me, it only just rose. I think it was the smell of melting steel mixed with human flesh. I looked back for a second. Poor souls, they were blown to pieces while in their craft. Made me thankful.

“They’re hitting us!” shouted soldiers across the beach.

“They’re hitting us! Our own ships! They’re hitting us!” shouted many more, as they all realised that many of their fellows, despite taking cover from the German bunkers had been killed by the shells. I think I saw a radio operator the other side of the beach, making a call out. I hope he was telling them to hold fire. Soon, what now had become a steady rhythm of explosions, stopped. It made the threat so much more clearer, as now the constant firing of MG42s was noticeable. I also noticed more men being killed by the enemy, not ourselves.

Then I had that feeling, like having the light switched off in a room. We were in the dark. We had no support whatsoever. The steady flow of landing craft coming in had fallen to a slow trickle, I felt like we were being cut off. Abandoned.
I like this. It reminds of storming the beaches in Normandy in Medal of Honor. (Frontline I think it is) It's amazing what a little boredom can do to the creative mind, no? If you could follow this up with say a developed intro and some supporting pages, like maybe what happened after Cornell realized that they were in the dark without reinforcement, then you could have a decent short novel. I'm thinking about writing a novel over the summer; something that relates to my life but doesn't at the same time, like a subliminal expression of my view on life.

Nice short story :)
Aha, well, I've continued it a bit more.

By the way, I apologise to anyone who was offended, I totally forgot about about there being no swear censoring here.

Anyhow, here's some more. I'm not so happy with it, it can be improved, and it will be soon.


Lying here in a ditch, not too far from the bunkers.

We weren’t too far from the barbed wire, the end of this nightmare, and I had already forgotten about the ship. Our next problem was the wiring, it was spread right across the beach, and I couldn’t see anyone with a pair of wirecutters in sight.

For a second, I forgot that there were German bunkers full of krauts trying to kill us. I stood up from my safe hole and ran towards where I last saw that radio operator. It had only been seconds from taking cover when harsh reality kicked back in. The bullet tore right into my leg, I could feel the pain up to my finger tips, I immediately screamed out in pain as I fell. I felt like I couldn’t do anything, like I was safe, “I had my share of the pain”, I called for a medic. I kept shouting like it was helping the war effort or something. I had always been enthusiastic to serve my country. Here I am, lying in a ditch, I hadn’t even fired a bullet. Blood slowly streamed out of the wound, as I lifted my head ever so slightly to assess the damage. Soon, a medic was not far, scurrying to answer the call. I looked around, to the left was the small slope, ending with that lethal barbed wire. Fellows were just laying there, taking cover, working on making a way through it. Every so often I would hear the sound of a bullet hitting a heltmet. I couldn’t look around to see who had fallen.

In what energy I had, I noticed what would be potential doom, right ahead of me. At the end of the barbed wire, on the other side of the beach, there were Krauts, removing part of the barbed wire, and running onto the beach to open fire on us. The bunkers were only able to fire at the latecomers, the soldiers who thought we had secured the beach; they would be in for a nasty surprise.

The Krauts were cautiously preparing to open fire. I was still lying, wounded, I couldn’t tell if anyone else had noticed. I opened my mouth to tell everyone, but I couldn’t speak, my leg was still in pain. The medic fell forward as the bullets ripped right through him. A soldier next to me, alerted everyone about the Krauts.

“What the hell?!” shouted one soldier as he returned fire.
“I didn’t realise, I don’t think anyone did!” replied another, and that solder noticed me, wounded, and immediately picked up the Garand I had acquired earlier, and gave it to me.

“Defend what you can” he said, as I lay there, shocked. The Krauts were still firing at us, so without even thinking of checking to see if was loaded, I aimed the Garand and pulled the trigger. Totally missed. My hands were shaking from the shock. They weren’t falling, I didn’t see any Krauts dying as I kept firing, as we kept firing. This wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be, I thought it’d be a shooting contest, as I heard from other soldiers. It wasn’t, they were going to beat us. I pulled myself up, while trying to defend myself with the Garand. The recoil snapped back and the pain in my arm almost hurt as much as my leg, but I had to forget about that, and just get back. I looked to my right, to see what reinforcements we had. They were falling faster than we were.

“Fire in the hole!”

That’s all I heard next, followed by the muffled explosion as the grenade settled between the group of Krauts. What followed was only anticipation and suspense. Most of the Krauts went flying up into the air, landing painfully. I don’t think they would have been much of a threat now. The remaining Krauts quickly pulled back, and I already had a medic seing to my wound.

“Move out! Let’s get this started!” shouted a superior, as a few of the helmets around me started to move.

"You guys, defend this area, make it good for the latecomers, shoot the bunkers, make them think they're under attack. " said the superior, talking to two of the soldiers around me, and myself.

Then, the other helmets, already organised into a single file, crawled across the barbed wire to the where the Krauts once were. The fleeing Krauts didn’t even reseal it, and soon the soldiers were running up towards the bunkers. The medic turned me over to check the back of my leg as I watched the soldiers move out.

They were back in the spotlight, now the bunkers could resight back onto them, and soon soldiers were falling, quickly.
Oh and Qion, I agree. Boredom is the mother of creativity. I haven't thought about an intro yet, but I have my ideas about what will happen after the whole beach scenario.

You should carry out that idea about the novel, it'd be brilliant. :D