A windows user's mac experience...

today in my class (we use macs)

A girl got mad because she couldn't find the Close Button. After i said that it's on the LEFT side! She said: "OhmyGod, Mac S*CKS!"

:eek: :D
I think it was a good article that basically said " Macs are better then windows but more people use windows and it's hard for them to migrate to mac because they can't stand it..." But he made some good comparisons.
Heh, someone keep watch on that guy to see when he becomes a lover of Macs. How long can he resist? When he does, it'd make a great story... because of the original review.
Good link, makes for interesting reading.

I avoid using Windows where possible but there are a few things Apple could do to make co-existance (or Switching) easier.

Have a Start bar
I hate it but it's the 1st thing my windows mates look for when using my mac

Let me resize windows from any edge
Only being able to do it from the bottom right bugs me, i hate having to drag a window to where i want it x-y pos and then have to go to bottom right to size it.

Alt-F4 - close window
I think X can handle some keyboard shortcuts? how about having the option of Windows compatible ones?

One menu per window
Joking - I love having just one menu at the top of the screen :-)

Blue screen of death
Yep - I miss it (NOT) Apple should do one as a screen saver

Jason, really like your avatar btw but i don't understand the "Moddha Buddarator" comment
This guy did a good analysis. What he did on XP is not bad at all either (click the 'rough edges' link in his text).