A-Z organising Apps...


Is it safe to do?

I access my applications from the dock icon, and it can take a while to respond, mainly because I have quite a few applications. I have run through them to see what I need and don't need and it's still quite slow. The other folders (Documents, Pictures, Movies, Downloads) are fine because they are all divided into their own subfolders, respectively.

So, all I want to do, is put the apps in folders marked A-C (or maybe A-E) and so on. Would this be fine? I would leave the Utilities Folder alone.

Apple apps will have a problem if their not in their default locations.
Putting my App folder in the dock is very fast opening and navigating, and I have loads of apps in there.

Maybe repairing permissions and the disk will help.
Why alter the real Applications folder?

Make an Apps folder in your Home directory, split it into segments and drag the appropriate applications into it while holding the Cmd and Opt keys (make alias).

Then put THAT folder into your dock and BAZAAM.