About PNG file


Hi there,

I am having problem with PNG file.

Why I can't see PNG file on X?

Is it possible to open with IE 5.0? If so, what should I change?

The problem with PNG files is that it is not a popular and widely support file format. It isn't just a Mac problem. The easiest thing to do would be to open it up in an application like Photoshop and to save it in either JPG or TIF or GIF,
depending on what you're going to do with the image.
you might want to check out this app -ptah. i love this image viewer. so much that ibought it. you might notice the review of the product is mine.it helps to take just a few minutes to read the manual as it could be just a little more intuitive, but chances are it will do everything you need, including view png files in osx. the developer has personally answered all of my emails about the product and is goood about updating and improving the produt. He even listens to suggestions. trying it is free for 30 days i believe. :cool:
The gimp will also work, and its free.

The gimp can open photoshop, png, tiff, pict, gif, jpeg... the list goes on. I think it can save in these formats, too.
quicktime opens PNG files
quicktime is native on Mac and Mac OS X
quicktime plugin for Explorer should also view the PNGs...

if not try GraphicConverter (graphicconverter.net)

you're right, quicktime will open png with 'preview' in app. folder. and if you want to open 1 file at a time this will work perfectly although you can't save it as anything else. so if viewing 1 or 2 png files is all you need to do, quicktime & preview would be the way to go.

oh, and about that popular & supported standards thing that fuzz talks about. pretty true in western world i think. but used widely in asia as far as i can tell. about 50% or more of anime graphics are in png format. it really has some advantages from what i have read. especially with complex graphics.
Am I missing the QuickTime plug-in? I always get the save as dialog, and when I tell it to choose application, Preview is greyed out and QT is greyed out. So I save it and then I can open it with Preview/QT from the finder... What a hassle.

Has anyone figured out how to get IE to show PNG files? I've tried to set it in the helper apps, but obviously I havent done it right.
OK, on further investigation, it looks like png files that are encoded into html work fine, but png files that are just linked to as files without any html are not working...hmmm....
I make pings all the time from PhotoShop. Even posted them here and no one complained. It may not be a ping viewing problem but the way it was created.
Wasn't PNG intended as a substitute for GIF after the GIF copyright holder started demanding royalty payments?
Yuppers. GIF is owned by Compuserve. Graphic Converter works great with pngs. It will also let you convert it to almost any other image format you want.