Access problem sharing with Windows PC


I have a slight access problem sharing with Windows PC.

They are sharing fine but...

I have a mounted share on my mac desktop of the desktop folder on my PC & copy files from 1 location to the other all the time.

On the Mac I drag files onto the icon (for the PC desktop) & it copies them to the PC desktop.
But when I go to my PC I can't access the files until I unmount the share on the Mac. It's a real pain mounting & unmounting the share all the time.
Is there any way I can set it up so that I don't have to keep mounting & unmounting the share?

It works fine the other way copying files from the PC to my Mac.
If I do this I can open, move or do whatever I like with the files (copied from the PC) on my Mac.
A few quick questions:
- How are you mounting the PC's share on your Mac? Is it through Windows sharing?
- Does the file appear on the PC in explorer? Or does it simply not appear?
- What error do you get when you try to open the file on the PC? Is it a "sharing violation" error, or what?