Accessing other disks in Xserve



I have an Apple Xserve with 3 physical disks. I am attemting to access Disk1 and Disk2 through SSH. My question is this, how do I get to Disk1 and Disk2 through SSH. Both of those drives are empty and I would like to create a directory on them and begin using them, but I can't figure out how to get to them. What am I missing?

Are they formatted, do they have a partition name?

If yes then you can access then via ssh by-
cd /Volumes/'partition name'

If not formatted then use diskutil command to format drives before use.
When I do a diskutil list it appears that all drives have been formatted. Disk 0, 1 and 2 all have the same information. What exactly is the name of the drive, is it Disk1?
BSD gives dynamic names to drives, so disk0 may not be disk0 on the next restart.
Do a 'df -h' this should tell you the disk number, partition name etc. The last column shows where the drive is mounted.
Then do a cd /Volumes/'partition name' to get to the drive.