Ack! Project Builder crashes...


I was all ready to start programming OS X (or learning to, anyway), bought a book and everything (Learning Cocoa with Objective-C 2nd Edition in case anyone cares). I try to start Project Builder, it does its bouncing, and bounces right off =(. So I attempt to run it from Terminal and get the following error:

[sycophant:project] dominik% "./Project Builder"
2003-05-22 22:00:31.116 Project Builder[620] *** -[NSBundle load]: Error loading code /Library/InputManagers/PithHelmet/PithHelmet.bundle/Contents/MacOS/PithHelmet for bundle /Library/InputManagers/PithHelmet/PithHelmet.bundle, error code 0 (link edit error code 0, error number 2 (dyld: ./Project Builder can't open library: @executable_path/../Frameworks/WebFoundation.framework/Versions/A/WebFoundation (No such file or directory, errno = 2)
Segmentation fault
[sycophant:project] dominik%

Any ideas? I'm running OS X.2.5 on an iBook 600mhz w/640mb ram.
Plese check if you recently updated your OS X. If so, it is required to re-install the Developer Tools. This might fix your problem.