Hi, and thanks for this great forum
I've an Internet account opperating in France, and I connect via a Thompson 510 Ethernet DSL modem to my PowerBook OS 10,3,9. I'm keeping this connection parameter on my PB for future use when in Brittany.
I'm soon going to England for long stretches, and will be using my brother's Deamon account via a Netgear wireless ADSL router. Now, my brother tells me I don't need his internet passwords, as the router is "already set up". He tells me all I need is an ethernet (LAN?) cable which of course I have.
So once I'm sitting next to this Router in a few day's time, what exactly do I do to my powerbook to connect to Internet using the cable, while not connecting via my French wanadoo DSL account - Do I set up a second but blank account, do I set to "automatic" or what??
Since the Netgear Router is wireless, I have a feeling I should be able to connect via Airport... (I have the latest version).
Oh, and is there a question of dissabling my internal firewall - I believe his router has a firewall facility.
Many thanks in advance for your advice, and I'm betting it'll be simple...
I've an Internet account opperating in France, and I connect via a Thompson 510 Ethernet DSL modem to my PowerBook OS 10,3,9. I'm keeping this connection parameter on my PB for future use when in Brittany.
I'm soon going to England for long stretches, and will be using my brother's Deamon account via a Netgear wireless ADSL router. Now, my brother tells me I don't need his internet passwords, as the router is "already set up". He tells me all I need is an ethernet (LAN?) cable which of course I have.
So once I'm sitting next to this Router in a few day's time, what exactly do I do to my powerbook to connect to Internet using the cable, while not connecting via my French wanadoo DSL account - Do I set up a second but blank account, do I set to "automatic" or what??
Since the Netgear Router is wireless, I have a feeling I should be able to connect via Airport... (I have the latest version).
Oh, and is there a question of dissabling my internal firewall - I believe his router has a firewall facility.
Many thanks in advance for your advice, and I'm betting it'll be simple...