Additional Hard Drives Under OS X


I have a G4/500 AGP/1280 Meg RAM/18 Gig Ultra2SCSI, and I'm considering installing an additional internal drive---either another Ultra2 drive, an ATA drive on the ATAPI bus, or an internal Firewire drive (I believe the G4/AGP has an internal firewire port).

Okay, supposedly the hardware issues themselves are no big deal: you just add the thing to whichever bus it needs to be on. But my question is, where do you (or should you) mount the new volume? I'm thinking the best thing to do would be to mount it under /users, and then let each user create a folder on it, as if it were an addition to their home directory.

Or, I could mount it at the root of the filesystem, and then just have it appear as a separate volume.

Or, if I wanted to be selfish, I could mount the whole volume under my home directory...:)

So, I guess my question could be succinctly stated as following: subsequent to installing the hardware, what's the procedure for mounting the volume at a particular mount point?

Also, does a firewire drive necessarily appear as a removable disk? Or is it possible to configure a firewire drive so that it is not removable (after all, what's the point of an internal hard disk being removable?)?