Address Book in Jaguar


I was adding contacts to my Address Book in Jaguar and noticed that if you click on an address you have the ability to map it. I thought cool! So I did it and Internet Explorer started up with mapquest. Well and good, except I don't want to use IE, I want to use Mozilla. I even have Mozilla set up to be my default browser.

So I moved the Internet out of Applications and tried to click on the address of a contact and nothing happened.

What is going on here Apple? Is there no way to choose what browser I want? Must we always be tied to Microsoft products?

Or is it just a slipup on the programmer who was to lazy to code in a variable for the browser and hard-coded Internet
Chimera is set as my Default Browser, and it works Fine! The Evil 'e' ... doesn't appear even the Slightest! :D ...hmm... WEIRD!

I upgraded Mozilla this morning to 1.1 and apparently when I did that, the default browser switched back to Internet Explorer. I just switched back to Mozilla and the Address Book brings up Mozilla.