Addressbook not displaying names


When I click on a name in my Address book no information displays in the Card (or right hand) section of the app. I tried deleting the Plist attributes and it appears to fix it. If I sort the list by Firstname (under preferences) then the problem returns.

I have some people without a Surname. The problem began a few weeks ago after I had entered a couple of friends names in. I think that while switching bettween apps (or something) the problem arose.
Hi there,

I had a similar problem a while back and it happened after I deleted some system fonts (d'oh!) - have you added any fonts recently which may confilct with system? Do you have any problems with any other mac app (mail especially)?

A quick search on Apple's support will give you a list of the fonts which should be in all the blessed Font folders - it's a good place to start!
