AddressBook quits on launched in 7B21

It works on my eMac but not on my 12" laptop.

The eMac has 10.2 installed when I boot the 12" in target disk mode and use it to boot the eMac the address book works.

Also it works ok on a ibook.

Please all tell if you did a clean install, or a upgrade from (and wich) earlier version
Let's see:

PowerMac G4 MDD DP 867:
Panther 7B21 Upgraded over 7A202
Address Book opens fine.

PowerBook G4 667:
Panther 7B21 CLEAN installed
Address Book opens fine.
AIM IM with Jeff <jeffwhetz>
did you say you have a 12" powerbook?
does that have bluetooth?
This is leading somewhere
found this on the forums at macnn: Ok for all people with problems with Adressbook crashing on launch, do you have a bluetooth usb or built in bluetooth module?

If so try to unplugged the usb BT module and start Addressbook again. I've installed a USB BT module in my iBook (mod) and Addressbook would not start, disconnected the BT module and AdressBook works fine agian. Don't know how to make it work on PB's with built-in BT but for all with USB BT modules give it a try.
Originally posted by StarBuck
...found this on the forums at macnn: Ok for all people with problems with Adressbook crashing on launch, do you have a bluetooth usb or built in bluetooth module?

That might explain why my PowerBook does not like Address Book. I have my built in bluetooth turned off and still no go.