Adium IM software


Two questions about Adium, every single time I boot up the program I get a request from "" wanting to add me to his or her contact list. Every single time I Deny it. Why does it keep coming back? Who can I report this to so that this user can be banned and dismembered, or better yet, decapitated?

Also, I have set my status to %iTunes, and I am assuming others are seeing what I'm playing, but it won't tell me what I'm playing on my status screen--is this how it's supposed to work?

Block that user. The blocked users list will be stored on the server side, so that way you won't have to deal with him/her again. (I hit that button sometimes liberally if I need to work)

iTunes status will query what you are playing on iTunes at set intervals. Is both your iTunes and Adium the latest version?
I've had that happen in Pidgin also on my GNU/Linux systems. When I've checked my profile on Windows Live, I've noticed that the request was actually on there and somehow the MSN protocol was pushing that out to my Pidgin or Adium client. I imagine that the Windows Live Messenger also manages this better, but seeing as that's Windows only it poses a problem for me.

Once I got into my Windows Live profile and saw the request, I cancelled it from the site itself and it stopped showing up on my IM client.
i have semilar requests from bots ... (about 2 per week) where most comes from yahoo.

and they are also always offline messages. ... looks like someone know how to exploit the protocols ...

however ... add the user to the list .. then Block then delete.
someow does adium not submit blocks of users not on the list (i think so)

works fine fo me by that way (still almost 900 ppl on the lists) ;-)