'Admin' email address for Disk Warning


Moved over from M$ Windows to Mac OSX so please be nice as I'm still learning.

We are running and older OSX Server 10.3.9. It has been rock solid for years, but recently started getting disk warning errors which are being sent in emails to a previous admin email address (no longer working for us). He is complaining about getting emails and I don't know where to change this. I think this is stored in the 'admin' environment variable?

Can someone please tell me how to change the email address where system alerts are sent? Terminal or GUI way if possible - pse.

Any tips on t-shooting Disk 0 Warning error also appreciated.

At this stage I'm not even sure if the server has a single drive, whether it's IDE or SCSI or if it is Raid disk array? I'm going to take the server offline this weekend to investigate. I intend to check logs and run Disk Utility (after boot from Install CD- as this is Primary Partition), maybe do a repair from this tool. Does this sound reasonable?

Another question - can someone please tell me will Disk Utility give me the tools needed to work on Physical disk that is a member of a Logical Array or do I need another tool to fix a Raid member?

I'm thinking this Warning is a sign of failing HDD, so might need to replace HDD by adding a new and cloning to it.

Sorry for so many questions. noob at Mac OSX.