ADSL connection in PPPoE protocol


i'm connected to an ADSL network, but this network is using PPPoE protocol, and my MacOS9 and MacOSX doesn't recoqnize what is going on, and i could not receive any DATA!!!

so i'm getting crazyyyy!!!

please somebody help me, my ADSL modem is "Zoom ADSL X4"

what can i do wrong in MacOS systemmm working with ADSL!!!

thanks a lot from noww!!!
Well, I am not sure about macos9, but macox supports pppoe! Go to your system preferences (sorry, am not sure about the english terms; have german version) and choose network. Setup a new environment and choose your ethernet and you should see a tab with "PPPOE". Adjust your login data and than you just have to dialup.
Btw, am not sure if your Zoom ADSL X4 is a modem. Sounds more like a router (because of the X4). If so, you will need a modem.