ADSL connection: "unable to reach a PPPoE server"


I am using a DSL connection through an USB modem (Sagem F@st 800). I lost the Internet access a few days ago. The error message was "unable to reach a PPPoE server". I spent one hour with my ISP hot line and we checked together the network preferences, the modem and the line status : everything is OK ... but still I do not have any Internet access (with the same error message). According to the hot line the issue stems from my computer and they can do nothing about it.
I re-installed the modem and reset the Network preferences but I still have the same error message.

Any idea about a solution ? Thanks in advance
Hi Sophie73 and welcome to the forum.
Does the USB modem also have ethernet plugs? And how did you reinstall the modem? I am asking since driver reinstallations are quite tricky. Right now it also looks to me like your drivers are kinda messed. The best thing would be to add another fresh user account with full rights. Install the drivers once more and test your modem. Also read the manual for the modem, if there is some sort of webinterface to access the modem even without a dsl connection.
Don't worry, right now there are many things that you can check. It's far away from being hopeless.
Good luck!
hello Zammy Sam
I reinstalled the modem and an updated version of the modem drivers. It did not solve my issue yet .. I will test my modem with another user account and also look for info about the modem web interface (I did not find anything in the modem documentation but I can probably find something on the Sagem website)

Thanks again